Sofonie Dala had the privilege of attending the 3rd edition of the biennale of Luanda 2023 - “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace”
Education, culture of peace and African citizenship as tools for the sustainable development of the continent.
The Biennale of Luanda is a joint initiative of UNESCO, the African Union and the Government of Angola. The Biennale of Luanda took place on 22, 23 and 24 November in Luanda, Angola and the main theme of the third edition is “Education, culture of peace and African citizenship as tools for the sustainable development of the continent”.
Speech by Sofonie Dala
Hello World. We are in the 3rd edition of the the biennale of Luanda 2023. With the theme education, culture of peace and African citizenship as tools for the sustainable development of the continent.
I am Sofonie Dala, a digital entrepreneur from Angola who advocates for the education of women and girls in Africa. We are investing in the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals that we must achieve by 2030.
Today, on the first day of the event, we discussed education and gender equality, the importance of women's empowerment in our society.
Women are the engines of change and are one of the biggest contributors to the country's development. So we must invest in women, give them the education and tools necessary to allow them to fight against humanitarian crises, such as climate change, one of the most pressing challenges in the world today, which is linked to SDG 13 aiming to limit and adapt to climate change by 2030.
We call on everyone to invest in women's education to end discrimination and gender inequality.
We are meeting here with several African leaders, high-ranking people from the African Union and other international people. We've reached the second day and today we're going to talk about climate change, specifically SDG 13, limiting climate change by 2030.
For those who haven't met me yet, I'm Sofonie Dala, I'm the founder of the startup talent multiplus. I am participating and benefiting from what the Biennale of Luanda has to offer. This event has been very beneficial for our continent, we all want to contribute to female empowerment and children's education. I defend the idea that we should incorporate the 17 sustainable development goals into the curriculum of primary education in order to form intelligent citizens.
Don't be left out, join us!
We are already at the end of the second day. During these 2 days we approached digital education, education itself in general as one of the mechanisms for the sustainable development of the continent. We also addressed climate change, economic systems, and financing.
Based on what we have already heard we have specific questions related to achieving sustainable Development Goal 13, action against climate change.
We would like to know the following: are there any specific projects within the ministries, to fund innovative climate mobility solutions led by African youth?
if so, where are these funds and what should young Africans do to have access to climate funding?
We are young and we have innovative solutions but we cannot implement them due to lack of financial resources. Ministries cannot work alone and we young people cannot work alone either, we need to collaborate and work together for the common good.
We are also talking about Indigenous Peoples. Here we should mention that Angola is facing climate crises, floods and droughts that force the women of the Mumuila tribe to migrate to the country's capital in search of better living conditions, but being here they face discrimination and rejection. These factors make it impossible for them to expand their businesses because they are marginalized and excluded. How can we include these women in our social circle?
How can we stop discrimination against these people? Are there specific projects?
I have.
I am developing a project called socio-economic inclusion of indigenous women dispersed in Angolan territory, specifically women from the Mumuila tribe. So I feel we need sponsorship to help these women recover their businesses that they brought from their provinces but are not prosperous here in Luanda.
Learn more:
Join our platform developed for Mumuila Tribe Ladies
Eng. Sofonie Dala reunites with Dr. Rita bissoonauth 3 years later
It was exactly in November 2019 when Sofonie Dala and Dr. Rita Bissoonauth were celebrating the 3rd Youth Capacity Building Workshop on Girl’s Education in Africa that took place in Accra, Ghana, and in 2023 they met again to celebrate the 3rd edition of the Biennale of Luanda.
The meeting was very pleasant and fruitful!
Dr. Rita Bissoonauth now heads the UNESCO Liaison Office to the AUC and ECA and Rep. to Ethiopia.
Biennale of Luanda 2023
Education at the heart of the debate
Education has a critical role to play, not only in the overall well-being of young people at school, but also because it opens the door to a brighter future for them as adults. The education they receive is also critical for a country’s meaningful and sustainable economic growth and development. Education is vital for building a better continent and a better world for all, which is why it must be at the center of our concerns.
What is the Biennale of Luanda?
The Biennale of Luanda - “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” is an international event that aims to promote the prevention of violence and resolution of conflicts, by encouraging cultural exchanges in Africa and dialogue between generations. It is held every two years in Luanda, the capital city of Angola.
As a space for reflection and dissemination of artistic works, ideas and best practices related to the culture of peace, it brings together representatives of governments, civil society, the artistic and scientific community, and international organizations. It participates in the implementation of the "Plan of Action for a Culture of Peace in Africa/Make Peace Happen" adopted in March 2013 in Luanda, Angola, during the Pan-African Forum "Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace."
Opening ceremony
Biennale of Luanda - day 2
Final report
Day 2 - part 2
International interview
Global Objectives
The aim of the Biennale of Luanda for the Culture of Peace in Africa is to work towards a daily and sustainable individual and collective appropriation and implementation, on the continent, of the concept of a culture of peace.
This initiative reinforces the implementation of Goals 16 and 17 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 7 Aspirations of the African Union's Agenda 2063, in particular its "Silencing the Guns by 2033" initiative. The Biennale also contributes to the implementation of UNESCO's "Operational Strategy for Priority Africa (2014-2021)", aimed at providing African responses to the transformations affecting the continent's economies and societies.
The first edition of the Biennale of Luanda, "Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace" was held from 18 to 22 September 2019 in Luanda, which was a celebration of various African values, beliefs, forms of spirituality, knowledge and traditions that contribute to the respect of human rights, cultural diversity, the rejection of violence and the development of democratic societies.
The Biennale of Luanda 2021
The second edition of the Biennale of Luanda took place from 27 November to 2 December 2021 and was celebrated under the African Union's 2021 theme, "Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want", mixing digital and presential events.