Company Overview: Talentos Multiplus

About Us

Talentos Multiplus is a pioneering digital startup in Angola, founded by Sofonie Dala in 2020. Our company stands out as the first and only digital startup in the country led by a young woman with a strong focus on scientific research and achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are dedicated to driving environmental awareness campaigns and providing non-formal educational training.


Our mission is to empower vulnerable populations, particularly women and girls, including rural children, indigenous people, and the LGBT community. We strive to promote gender equality (SDG 5) and create sustainable communities through innovative solutions and impactful initiatives.


Our vision is to build a sustainable future by leveraging technology and education to address environmental and social challenges. We aim to create a more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Core Values

  1. Empowerment: Providing tools and knowledge to uplift vulnerable populations.
  2. Sustainability: Promoting environmentally friendly practices and solutions.
  3. Innovation: Utilizing technology to drive change and solve pressing issues.
  4. Inclusivity: Ensuring all communities, especially marginalized groups, have access to opportunities and resources.
  5. Collaboration: Working with various stakeholders to amplify our impact.

Key Initiatives

  • "Ladies Without Plastic": A campaign aimed at reducing plastic use among women by promoting sustainable alternatives.
  • "She Leads Angola": A hybrid non-formal education academy that offers training and capacity-building for young women, preparing them to lead and innovate in their communities.
    • Africa Educates Her: A significant part of "She Leads Angola," this campaign was launched in 2020 to address barriers to girls' education and encourage their return to school during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Explore more initiatives at:


Talentos Multiplus has made significant strides in promoting sustainability and inclusive education in Angola. Our digital platform hosts numerous projects and scientific articles that contribute to environmental stewardship and educational advancement. Over 600,000 people reached worldwide.

Call for Support

To further our mission and expand our initiatives, we are actively seeking financial resources from investors, donors, collaborators, and sponsors. We also aim to form strategic partnerships with government bodies and major institutions to enhance our reach and impact.

Commitment to Change

At Talentos Multiplus, we are committed to using technology and education to tackle today’s environmental and social challenges. We are eager to engage in events, share our experiences, and collaborate with other innovative leaders in the technology and social fields.

Contact Information

For more information about our services or to get in touch with us, please contact:

Thank you for the opportunity to present Talentos Multiplus. Together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Main Technology of Talentos Multiplus

Talentos Multiplus leverages digital technology to drive our mission and initiatives. Our main technology includes:

  1. Digital Platform: Our comprehensive digital platform hosts a variety of projects, scientific articles, and educational content. This platform serves as the central hub for all our activities, including environmental campaigns, non-formal educational training, and community engagement.

  2. Online Learning Management System (LMS): We utilize an LMS to deliver training and capacity-building programs through our "She Leads Angola" academy. This system allows us to offer a hybrid model of education that combines online courses with in-person workshops and seminars.

  3. Data Analytics: To measure the impact of our initiatives and make data-driven decisions, we use data analytics tools. These tools help us track the progress of our projects, understand the needs of our beneficiaries, and optimize our programs for better outcomes.

  4. Social Media and Communication Tools: We employ various social media platforms and communication tools to raise awareness about our campaigns, engage with our audience, and disseminate information. These tools are crucial for our outreach and advocacy efforts.

  5. Collaborative Tools: We use collaborative tools to facilitate partnerships and cooperation with other organizations, stakeholders, and communities. These tools enable us to work efficiently and effectively towards our common goals.

By harnessing these technologies, Talentos Multiplus is able to innovate, educate, and advocate for a sustainable and inclusive future.

Industry Focus: Talentos Multiplus

Talentos Multiplus operates within the Environmental Sustainability and Education sectors including Social EntrepreneurshipGender Equality Advocacy, and Community Development. Our primary focus areas include:

  1. Environmental Sustainability:

    • Promoting environmental awareness through campaigns such as "Ladies Without Plastic."
    • Developing practical solutions to address urgent environmental challenges.
    • Advocating for climate and environmental justice.
  2. Non-Formal Education:

    • Providing training and capacity-building programs through initiatives like "She Leads Angola."
    • Empowering young women and marginalized groups with the skills and knowledge needed to lead and innovate.
    • Facilitating educational campaigns, such as "Africa Educates Her," to ensure access to education for all.
  3. More SDG-Related Initiatives at Talentos Multiplus

    1. SDGs 1 & 2: No Poverty & Zero Hunger Talentos Multiplus addresses the ambitious goals of ending poverty and hunger holistically, with a special focus on social protection, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, resilience, sustainable management of natural resources, and rural development. Our portal for these SDGs provides resources and initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and hunger, ensuring that vulnerable populations have access to necessary support and sustainable practices.

    2. SDGs 4 & 5: Quality Education & Gender Equality We aim to eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and children in vulnerable situations. Achieving gender equality requires a rights-based approach that ensures both boys and girls, women and men, are empowered equally through education. Our initiatives under these SDGs focus on creating educational opportunities and promoting gender equality as a fundamental human right.

    3. Afronutri Online - SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Afronutri is an online restaurant offering healthy food and beverages that many cannot easily access at home or in a common restaurant. This initiative promotes responsible consumption and production by ensuring that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature. Our platform offers dishes made from edible and medicinal plants, promoting sustainable and healthy eating habits.

    4. SDG 14: Life Below Water Our "Plastic-Free Oceans" campaign involves fishermen in sharing best practices and solutions for the successful implementation of SDG 14. We aim to inspire action to tackle the environmental crisis affecting oceans, seas, and marine resources. This initiative focuses on reducing marine pollution and promoting the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.

    5. Fight for LGBTQ Rights in Africa This initiative supports LGBTQ communities across Africa, providing resources to amplify their voices and fight for their fundamental human rights. We use various tools to raise awareness about LGBTQ rights at home and abroad, advocating for legal and social acceptance in regions where these communities face significant challenges. Click here to join:

    6. CoronaVoice Show Angola Launched in 2020, this is the first and only Coronavirus show in the world where ordinary citizens share their non-fiction stories and talents. This initiative gives citizens a platform to express the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their lives, highlighting both challenges and opportunities discovered during quarantine. The show promotes resilience and community solidarity during the pandemic. Click here to join:

    7. Mwila Tribe Ladies This initiative focuses on the socio-economic inclusion of dispersed indigenous people in Angola. It aims to provide a better understanding of the Angolan situation of indigenous peoples, addressing common issues and advocating for the rights of these communities. The initiative also promotes cultural expressions emerging from indigenous communities, ensuring their voices and traditions are recognized and respected.

    Talentos Multiplus is committed to addressing these critical areas through innovative projects and initiatives that drive sustainable development and foster resilience within communities. Our work is geared towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.

Our work intersects with various industries, including Social Entrepreneurship, Gender Equality Advocacy, and Community Development, making us a multifaceted organization dedicated to fostering a sustainable and inclusive future.

Problem Statement

Talentos Multiplus is dedicated to addressing several interrelated issues that impact vulnerable populations and the environment in Angola and beyond. The primary problems we aim to solve include:

  1. Environmental Degradation:

    • Excessive Plastic Use: Our "Ladies Without Plastic" campaign tackles the rampant use of single-use plastics, which contribute significantly to environmental pollution.
    • Climate Change and Environmental Justice: We advocate for climate and environmental justice by developing and promoting practical solutions to mitigate climate change impacts and support vulnerable communities.
  2. Gender Inequality:

    • Empowerment of Women and Girls: Despite progress, gender inequality remains a significant barrier in Angola. We aim to empower women and girls, particularly those in rural areas and marginalized groups, by providing them with education, skills, and opportunities to achieve their full potential.
  3. Educational Disparities:

    • Access to Education: Many children, especially girls, drop out of school due to socio-economic challenges. Our "Africa Educates Her" campaign works to bring these children back into the education system, ensuring they have the opportunity to learn and succeed.
    • Non-Formal Education: Traditional education systems often fail to address the needs of all learners. Through our "She Leads Angola" academy, we provide alternative, non-formal education that is inclusive and accessible.
  4. Poverty:

    • Economic Empowerment: Poverty is a persistent issue, particularly among women living below the poverty line. Our community cooperative model aims to provide these women with the tools and knowledge to transform their lives, fostering economic independence and resilience.

By tackling these pressing issues, Talentos Multiplus is working towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future for all.

Typical Users/Customers of Talentos Multiplus

  1. Vulnerable Women and Girls:

    • Rural Women: Women living in rural areas who need access to educational resources and economic opportunities.
    • Marginalized Groups: Including indigenous people, members of the LGBT community, and other marginalized groups who benefit from empowerment initiatives and support programs.
  2. Youth:

    • Young Women: Young women who participate in leadership and capacity-building programs through our "She Leads Angola" academy.
    • Students: Both in and out of the formal education system, particularly those affected by socio-economic challenges and seeking non-formal educational opportunities.
  3. Environmental Advocates:

    • Eco-Conscious Individuals: People interested in reducing their environmental footprint and participating in sustainability campaigns like "Ladies Without Plastic."
    • Community Leaders: Individuals leading local environmental initiatives who can collaborate with Talentos Multiplus to amplify their impact.
  4. Educational Institutions:

    • Schools and Universities: Institutions that partner with Talentos Multiplus to integrate non-formal education programs and promote sustainable practices among students.
    • Training Centers: Centers focused on providing vocational and skills training to women and youth.
  5. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Social Enterprises:

    • NGOs: Organizations working on gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability who can partner with Talentos Multiplus on various initiatives.
    • Social Enterprises: Businesses with a social mission that align with our goals and can collaborate on projects or support through funding and resources.
  6. Investors and Donors:

    • Philanthropists: Individuals and organizations interested in supporting initiatives that promote sustainable development, gender equality, and educational empowerment.
    • Corporate Sponsors: Companies looking to invest in CSR activities that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  7. Government Bodies:

    • Local and National Governments: Agencies looking to implement policies and programs that support gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability. They can collaborate with Talentos Multiplus to reach underserved communities and amplify their efforts.
    • Government Agencies: Specific departments focused on education, environment, and social development that can benefit from our expertise and collaborative projects.
  8. International Organizations:

    • United Nations Agencies: Organizations like UN Women, UNESCO, UNICEF, OHCHR, FAO, WHO, UNFPA and UNEP that focus on sustainable development, education, and gender equality. These agencies can partner with Talentos Multiplus for joint initiatives and to leverage our local expertise.
    • International NGOs: Organizations that operate globally and seek local partners to implement their programs effectively on the ground.
    • Development Agencies: Entities like USAID, DFID, and others that fund projects aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By catering to these diverse groups, Talentos Multiplus aims to create a broad and inclusive impact, fostering sustainable development and empowerment across multiple facets of society.

Talentos Multiplus Business Model: B2B, B2C, B2B2C

1. B2B (Business to Business):

  • Partnerships with Educational Institutions: We collaborate with schools, universities, and training centers to integrate our non-formal education programs, workshops, and sustainability initiatives.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: We engage with businesses that are interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. These companies sponsor our programs and events, helping us reach more beneficiaries while enhancing their own CSR profiles.
  • Government and International Organization Collaborations: We partner with government bodies, United Nations agencies, and international NGOs to implement large-scale projects that align with our mission, such as environmental campaigns and gender equality initiatives.

2. B2C (Business to Consumer):

  • Direct Empowerment Programs: We offer training and capacity-building workshops directly to individuals, particularly vulnerable women and girls, empowering them with the skills and knowledge to improve their lives.
  • Subscription-Based Services: We provide access to our digital platform and educational resources on a subscription basis, allowing individuals to benefit from our expertise and materials.
  • Community Cooperative: We support women living below the poverty line by offering them tools and knowledge to become economically independent, directly impacting their lives.

3. B2B2C (Business to Business to Consumer):

  • Hybrid Educational Models: We work with educational institutions (B2B) to deliver our programs to their students (B2C). This model ensures that our initiatives reach a wider audience through established institutions.
  • Collaborative Environmental Campaigns: We partner with businesses and organizations (B2B) to launch environmental awareness campaigns that directly engage the community and consumers (B2C), promoting sustainable practices at a grassroots level.

Key Revenue Streams:

  1. Grants and Donations: We actively seek grants from government bodies, international organizations, and private foundations. Donations from philanthropists and the general public also support our initiatives.
  2. Sponsorships and Partnerships: Revenue is generated through sponsorship deals with corporations and partnerships with educational institutions and NGOs.
  3. Subscription Fees: Individuals and institutions pay subscription fees to access our digital platform and educational resources.
  4. Training and Workshop Fees: Revenue from fees charged for attending our training sessions, workshops, and seminars.

By utilizing a combination of B2B, B2C, and B2B2C models, Talentos Multiplus maximizes its reach and impact, fostering sustainable development and empowerment across various segments of society.

Invitation to Invest, Sponsor, and Donate


We invite you to support Talentos Multiplus, a pioneering digital startup dedicated to empowering vulnerable communities and promoting social, educational and environmental sustainability. Your investment, sponsorship, or donation can help us expand our impactful initiatives and drive positive change.

Support us today through the following methods:

  • IBAN: AO06000600008282255830195 
  • Western Union: Sofonie Dala
  • Bank Transfer:Up to you!
  • After making your donation, please send the bank payment proof to

Join us in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future!

Thank you for your generosity and support.


About Us: S.D. TALENTOS MÚLTIPLUS - COMÉRCIO E PRESTAÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS (SU), LDA was founded by Sofonie Dala in 2020 with the mission to foster growth, innovation, and sustainability across various sectors. Our company is dedicated to delivering high-quality services and products, emphasizing ethical practices, community engagement, and sustainable development.

Our Mission: Our mission is to contribute positively to society by providing exceptional services and products, promoting sustainable practices, and supporting community development. We strive to create value for our stakeholders while maintaining a commitment to ethical business practices and social responsibility.

Our Vision: Our vision is to be a leader in our industry, recognized for our innovation, sustainability efforts, and positive impact on communities. We aim to inspire and empower individuals and organizations to achieve their full potential and contribute to a better world.

Core Values:

  1. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our actions.
  2. Sustainability: We are committed to sustainable practices that benefit the environment and society.
  3. Innovation: We continuously seek innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
  4. Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, ensuring high-quality outcomes.
  5. Community: We believe in the power of community and actively engage in initiatives that support social and economic development.

Services and Offerings: S.D. TALENTOS MÚLTIPLUS provides a wide range of services and products across various sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Consulting Services: Business strategy, sustainability consulting, and capacity building.
  • Training and Development: Workshops, seminars, and training programs for skill enhancement and professional growth.
  • Research and Publications: Independent research projects and publication of articles in English and other languages.
  • Digital Solutions: Innovative digital tools and platforms to support business operations and community engagement.
  • Event Management: Planning and execution of events that promote knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Recent Achievements:

  • Accepted as a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, aligning with global sustainability goals.
  • Successfully completed the Youth Climate Report 2024 Workshop, earning recognition at the International Youth Conference 9 in Los Angeles.

Contact Information

For more information about our services or to get in touch with us, please contact:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +244 951 654 136
  • Address: Luanda, Angola

Thank you for the opportunity to present Talentos Multiplus. Together, we can create a more sustainable and inclusive future for all.

Warm regards,

Sofonie Dala
Founder and CEO

Talentos Multiplus

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