Sustainable lifestyle campaign with Sofonie Dala - Angola. Webisode 2
Our everyday motto is: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.
How do we create effective campaigns for living well and sustainably? Where we live, what we eat, how we move around, all have an impact on the issues we care about - our happiness, connected communities, equity, security, climate change and more. Lightening our load on the planet while improving our daily lives is a worthwhile and urgent goal for the coming decade.
Interview with Patricia Ramos
What happens when you try to raise issues around consumerism and over-consumption and the sustainability of lifestyles?
Good Morning! What is your name?
Good morning, my name is Patricia Ramos.
Could you talk a little about yourself? Do you live a sustainable lifestyle?
Not a hundred percent.
What do you do in your daily life, do you like fresh air, do you practice sports?
Well, my daily life is very busy. I like to practice sports in the morning or at the end of the day because it is good for my health. As for my diet, I do not have a regulated diet because of the lifestyle we live in Angola. We wake up very early to go to work and come home very late. We often take the lunch in the car because of the workload and we forget to eat well.
While on duty we also violate lunchtime, sometimes we are a little late at lunch. But I am already used to this lifestyle.
What do you eat?
I eat a little of everything, I don't have many preferences or restrictions as long as the food is well conditioned.
Do you eat meat, chicken and fish?
Yes I eat meat, chicken, fish and seafood.
What kind of beverage do you drink?
I like the water but I really enjoy coke and eka is a type of Angolan alcoholic drink.
What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I like to visit this Zedu media library, to investigate, I like reading, I like to run, play sports and I like to stay with my family, enjoy a good movie at home, in my room and on the computer.
Alright. Thank you so much!