Sustainable lifestyle campaign with Sofonie Dala. The case study of Angola - webisode 1
Our everyday motto is: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"
Interview with Therapist Xavier!
Hello, good morning Sofonie!
My name is Xavier and I am a traditional medicine therapist.
Could you tell us a little about yourself and the sustainable lifestyle you have been leading?
In fact, I have been living a natural sustainable life since 1995, I only eat vegetables, tubercles and cereals.
I have here the moringa plant I use it since 1995, since then I no longer face health probçems.Here I have shaya plant and cassava leaves I also consume them since 1995 till now. As well as other vegetables such as peanuts, I mix with moringa or shaya and eat them with fish.
What is the disease that these plantations fight?
Well, morinha fights several pathologies, it serves as food and medicine. I eat it in the same way I use potato branch, sweet potatoes and vegetables.
Could you give an example of diseases that moringa plant fights?
Well, I don't use the seed, I use its leaves because this food serves as medicine. This plant combats such pathologies as: hepatitis, typhoid fever, lack of appetite, lack of vitamins in the organism and several other illnesses that moringa cures.
Next I have this plant that is popularly called scoparia dulcis, this is very good for headaches, lowers fever and for taking a seat bath or even drinking green juice or tea from this plant.
This little plant here is called a bulb. I've also been using it because it's very good for stomach pain, bowel problem, lack of appetite, it removes laziness, really cool.
You can also make normal tea. All these plants are very good for solving stomach problems, lack of appetite, headache and high blood pressure.
This plant here some call it leaves for diabetics, but I recommend it for those with a lack of appetite, people with low defenses, at this time of the covid19 pandemic, this is very good, we can also make it a green juice or tea. The plant is used to combat headaches, reduce fever and make hot baths.
A visit to the therapist Xavier´s Herbalist
Can you tell us a little about this place? What do you have here?
Here I do my normal consultations for several patients. Normally I make the diagnosis with the energetic method and I also use the aurameter to guide me.
This book is made up of copies of all international bacteria, parasites and viruses. So I have this wand called an aurimeter. The aura is determined by man's energy. So any pathology that the patient has, we made the diagnosis from this book, that is, the patient puts his finger on these blades then the wand rotates in the oral direction indicating where the virus is located, whether in the liver, stomach, intestine etc.
For those who have typhoid fever or plasmodium, we have here for example 3 species of plasmodium, the falciparum, ovary or malariae wherever the parasite is located.
Do you also treat pregnant women?
Yes ma'am. We can see how many months the pregnant woman is, from the first to the ninth month. After we've checked out what she's got, then let's go through the list and see what her treatment will be. For example, if a lady has uterus problems, she will need to do a vaginal and anal enema or a bath with the proper medications in order to fight the disease.
Another example if she has a pneumonia bacterium, then instead of drinking cold water she should drink warm water, and we will define what is the amount of warm water she will drink, a cup, two cups or a liter, before or after eating?
Therapist Xavier is presenting the samples of plants that are used for medicine and food, He also sells them to ensure the sustainability of the herbalist.
Well, I have these plants exposed here, I have clays, I sell honey and this has served for my sustenance. I actually live on the basis of this, I do not do other types of services, I have been in the area of traditional medicine since 1995 and since then I have stopped using other types of income.
Therefore, I investigate a particular plant to see what it cures. For example I have this bag here, I didn't put the name of the plant just the code. Because when we write the name, people may confuse it with another similar plant and they will use the wrong medicine.
For example this plant is for high cholesterol, increases appetite, treats insomnia, back pain and urinary tract infection.
In five tablespoons, place in 3 liters of water, bring to a boil, drink in two to two hours for 15 days. If you are feeling better, you can repeat the dose.
Could you tell us about the lifestyle you live and about your diet?
I've actually been in this life since 1995, before I was facing very serious health problems.
But since 1995 until now, when people say that food serves as their medicine and medicine serves as their food! I started taking care of myself, I stopped eating bread, meat, chicken and other more artificial foods, so I have a regal life and I read a lot of natural medicine books and I also stopped having health consequences. In fact, I use more moringa, the shaya plant, tubers and fruits, under the sun I normally walk without any problems and I don't get a headache.
What do you consume in the morning?
In the morning I make a tea, I use this aurameter device that will determine what I can take, will it be a leaf tea? Which leaf will it be? So this will determine what kind of leaves I should make the tea, the amount of sugar or honey and that's it.
The aurameter tells me what I can have for breakfast, whether I'm going to add a tubercle, whether I'll spend the day hungry or whether I will only have lunch.
The therapist Xavier is demonstrating how the treatment is done using clay
Well Sofonie, here I have clay, it is used to make poultices. Poultice is applied to the inflamed part. the role of clay is to make these inflammations disappear. For example, in the case of women who have uterine problems and menstrual periods.
Then, the clay is prepared with water, after it's done, we put it in this fabric and then we put it on the lower part of the body and the fabric holds the lower part of the belly. This should only be used in the evenings for at least one hour.
For those who have kidney problems, we put this other type of fabric, we put the clay and palm it, then we tie it on the belly or adrenals and we also use it for an hour and take it off.
Below we have other samples here, for example this one with code 00555, serves to treat gonorrhea, anti-inflammatory, emmorroid, lack of appetite and athletic performance, impotence masculinity, energy impulsivity and general fatigue.
Method of preparation: place in two liters of water, boil within five minutes, strain and drink a glass within 12 minutes after eating, consume 3 times per 15 days.
We also have here the corn beard also called corn hair, it is very good for people with impertenence, kidney pain, urinary infection and also lowers fever.
Then we have this flower called Bongavilha flower: lack of appetite, anemic problems, his tea is very good to fight these illnesses.
OK thank you.
Thank you!
This campaign inspires and guides youth action for both individual and systems change that enables sustainable lifestyles.