Sustainable lifestyle camapaign with Sofonie Dala. Part 2, webisode 6

 Our everyday motto is: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

Don't throw away the leftovers - is our tip for this webisode. Our guest today is Deolinda, she will share with us about her lifestyle.

Hello, good afternoon. How are you?
I am fine. And you?
What is your name?
My name is Deolinda.
Deolinda, can you share with us about your sustainable lifestyle?
Yes! I can.
Tell us about your food. What do you like to eat that is good for your health?
I like to eat rice and beans.
What else?
I really only like rice and beans.

You don't like vegetables and greens?
Not that much, but I like it.
Deolinda when you eat do you leave food on your plate?
Sometimes yes sometimes no.
Why do you leave food on your plate?
Because maybe I'm already satisfied, so I don't eat the rest of the food.
Do you throw away the leftover food?
Not always. I save it for later but I usually throw it away.
Did you know that throwing food is harmful to the environment?
No, I did not know.
In terms of drink. What do you consume?
I drink water.
Just water?
Water, juice and soda.
Do you not consume alcohol?
That's all, thanks.

*Food waste also heavily contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases. Food that is thrown out often goes to landfills. As it rots in the landfill, it produces a greenhouse gas called methane. Greenhouse gases are emitted in the production and transportation of food as well.

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